jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

First 2015 summray!

 As this to be my first summary of the year 2015, I wanted to start off right up with summary of chapters 17 to 20. After I start, I Wanted to mention that in this chapters a lot of things get revealed, so I will try to be as clear as possible with all details.

Since last time, Jonas sees all colors and they stay within him, not just for few seconds. One day suddenly the communitie`s speakers sounded anouncing: "Today it is an unscheduled holiday", so all kids were playing outside, also with his brand-new memory about warfare he sees all the kids playing (Asher and Fiona specially) imaginary wars and tells them to stop but they (unafortunately) dont understand him. So after that JOnas was about to cry but he got consolated by Fiona And Asher, who both left Jonas alone because it seemed he felt really bad by remembering the guy bleeding in the floor begging for water.  bn 

After that there comes a shocking part on which dear Giver tells Jonas about release and that sometimes he would like to apply for it, then (not triying to freak Jonas out) he also tells him about Rosemary; the reciever of memory that failed. After that, Jonas remembers that himself has already a whole year of training and that he is not allowed to apply for release like Rosemary did, because of fear that all the memories get lost AGAIN. And with those kind of things in mind th Giver thinks what would happen if Jonas would get away of the community, and how it will change things.

 After talking about Rosemary`s release, Jonas tells The Giver that his father is releasing a twin that day and that probably he already did. So The Giver told him that all releases were recorded and that if he wanted he could see it, so he opened the Hall of Records and saw the recording. He was trully shocked by what he saw, his dad injected a huge bassin into the baby`s forhead vein, then Jonas realizes that the bassin killed the baby and that release was to be killed, not to be taken elsewhere. Afer that the Giver confesses that he also watched the tape on how Rosemary got her release, but turned it off when she injecected the shot herself. 

After what he saw, Jonas is in complete shock and refuses to return home with his parents so then the Giver, as a undertanding person, falsely notified Jonas` parents that Jonas will stay over to sleep for "additional training", during the whole night they both made a plan to change things by making Jonas escape the community and for the memories to be released and for people to acquire them. The plan they develoed will be during the December Ceremony in which all kids get a year older. And since The Giver`s presence is not needed, he will take Jonas out of the community while everyone is busy at the ceremony and eventuall no one will note his absence.

Since the Last Time...

Since the last time, The Giver has thought Jonas to see all colors, now he can see them all. By the way, his family unit is still taking care of baby Gabe and each day he seems to grow stronger. About that, Jonas has slept some nights with Gabe at his room and it has gone pretty well, but the first night Gabe was a little too noisy. So then, Jonas picked him up from his crib and accidentally transmitted the memory he had been given about the sailboat, so then baby Gabe fell asleep again and since then it all goes good with him.