miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Beting & Choping

In the story "Man from the South" by Roald Dahl, Carlos, a small man that is over 50 years old likes to bet about him giving away his car if he loses and chopping of a little finger if he wins. The bet he does in this short story is with an american sailor-in-training boy around 20 years old that says that his lighter never fails, so Carlos decides to make the bet with him. The bet made consists on: if the boy lights up his lighter 10 times in a row without failing once, he wins Carlos´car, a very fine Cadillac, but if he fails, Carlos will have to chop off his little finger of the left hand. In the end they don't finish the bet because Carlos´wife appears and stops the bet, she apologizes to everyone in the room; the narrator, the English girl and the sailor boy. She explains that Carlos has always liked to do this ridiculous bets, and that because of betting, he has lost it all and has chopped 43 fingers, she even told that the Cadillac he was betting was of her, not of Carlos.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

First 2015 summray!

 As this to be my first summary of the year 2015, I wanted to start off right up with summary of chapters 17 to 20. After I start, I Wanted to mention that in this chapters a lot of things get revealed, so I will try to be as clear as possible with all details.

Since last time, Jonas sees all colors and they stay within him, not just for few seconds. One day suddenly the communitie`s speakers sounded anouncing: "Today it is an unscheduled holiday", so all kids were playing outside, also with his brand-new memory about warfare he sees all the kids playing (Asher and Fiona specially) imaginary wars and tells them to stop but they (unafortunately) dont understand him. So after that JOnas was about to cry but he got consolated by Fiona And Asher, who both left Jonas alone because it seemed he felt really bad by remembering the guy bleeding in the floor begging for water.  bn 

After that there comes a shocking part on which dear Giver tells Jonas about release and that sometimes he would like to apply for it, then (not triying to freak Jonas out) he also tells him about Rosemary; the reciever of memory that failed. After that, Jonas remembers that himself has already a whole year of training and that he is not allowed to apply for release like Rosemary did, because of fear that all the memories get lost AGAIN. And with those kind of things in mind th Giver thinks what would happen if Jonas would get away of the community, and how it will change things.

 After talking about Rosemary`s release, Jonas tells The Giver that his father is releasing a twin that day and that probably he already did. So The Giver told him that all releases were recorded and that if he wanted he could see it, so he opened the Hall of Records and saw the recording. He was trully shocked by what he saw, his dad injected a huge bassin into the baby`s forhead vein, then Jonas realizes that the bassin killed the baby and that release was to be killed, not to be taken elsewhere. Afer that the Giver confesses that he also watched the tape on how Rosemary got her release, but turned it off when she injecected the shot herself. 

After what he saw, Jonas is in complete shock and refuses to return home with his parents so then the Giver, as a undertanding person, falsely notified Jonas` parents that Jonas will stay over to sleep for "additional training", during the whole night they both made a plan to change things by making Jonas escape the community and for the memories to be released and for people to acquire them. The plan they develoed will be during the December Ceremony in which all kids get a year older. And since The Giver`s presence is not needed, he will take Jonas out of the community while everyone is busy at the ceremony and eventuall no one will note his absence.

Since the Last Time...

Since the last time, The Giver has thought Jonas to see all colors, now he can see them all. By the way, his family unit is still taking care of baby Gabe and each day he seems to grow stronger. About that, Jonas has slept some nights with Gabe at his room and it has gone pretty well, but the first night Gabe was a little too noisy. So then, Jonas picked him up from his crib and accidentally transmitted the memory he had been given about the sailboat, so then baby Gabe fell asleep again and since then it all goes good with him. 

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Brief summary of the following chapters...

Since the last time I wrote, things in the book have gone fast, also some problems start to develop and take form, but im not ready yet to introduce those things, thyere still "undeveloped". What I can say really briefly is that Jonas, since he is the new Reciever of Memory of the community, he started to off for his training. On there it was the first time he saw so many books, since The Giver was the only one with acces to them. Also the first memory The Giver gave to Jonas was snow, he made him know what hills, sleds and cold were. And with so much reason Jonas kept making so much questions, for example "Why dont we have snow, and sleds, and hills?" or "But what happened to those things?". Those were answered by THe Giver, JOnas also started to see the color red, since everyone else sees almost in Black&White except from THe GIver and in a close future him. Skipin over some things that aren`t relevant we can say that in a not-to-distant future dear Joans will be going to see all colors, and as an inference I want to make, he will try to make Fiona see them too.

This is how Jonas starts to look at Fiona.

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

New Summary on Chapters 5 to 8

Within this three chapters, many things have been happening, starting with Jonas´ "stirrings" that are dreams that show the start of puberty on their society and have happened to everyone at some point, the "cure" or the way to stop them from happening is to take some pills to forget about the feelings they felt on the dream. Also baby Gabe is living with Jonas´family unit until he grows up into the practical conditions to join a family unit, this was a blessing for Gabe because if not he was going to get release which meant they will never see him again, but Jonas´ father (who works in the nurturing center) gave him a chance to stay an additional year to join a family unit.. in addition, Jonas´ceremony comes up and every eleven is nervous, because they will be assigned to their life-time jobs.
At the ceremony, Jonas´best friend; Asher is assigned to be assistant director of recreation and while he is at the stage everyone laughs about how he used to talk when he was little. When nineteen´s turn came (Jonas) he got skipped, the chief elder assigned to 18 and skipped to 20, so Jonas got ashamed and wanted to die. When the end of the ceremony came, he chief elder announced that Jonas was selected to be the next Receiver of the community.
After all this(Jonas´selection as Receiver) Jonas´will be a very important person through the community due to his role

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

How can We Understand Books Better...

As my future reading book "The Giver" by Louis Lowry it seems fairly interesting and fun. Because it is based on a society that has no fear, no pain. It´s interesting part which seems to be turned over the whole story is that on the whole society there is a man that is some sort of historian. That guy is called The giver, he will be Jonas´ mentor and will give him special training but The Giver is the only one on that society who knows the true feeling of pain and fear.
On the dedication part of "The Giver", the author means that all the kids  will be the ones that fund and make up our future and what we will become. That means that kids nowadays have the responsibility to (in the future) study and become great persons that will turn our world into a more sustainable world on which we will be able to live in peace.
As part of my assignment I want to say that this book may be about Jonas and how he questions everything his society does, so his parents think this is dangerous and send him to The Giver to receive "special training". Then, The Giver teaches him what does fear and pain mean and he becomes his mentor, with that Jonas learns many other things and revolutionizes the society on which he lives in. Adding to that he may be making a rebellion to face the government.

Unfair Rules and Laws on "The Giver´s" Society

On this month that I have been reading "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, it seems that the society is no longer free. I mean the elder people are the ones who decide each person´s future life; for example whoa are they marriying with, who their children are, what will be their job, etc. That doesn´t seem fair, each person should have  the freedom to chose whatever they like or want. Also there are a lot of really absurd rules, for example: kids can´t ride bicicles until age 7 or 8, each year when they get older they have to make a ritual and they are assigned to do volunteer hours. Also kids cant dream freely and have to take pills for pleasurable dreams to go off. There are many other UNFAIR laws that are followed are punished strictly if not acomplished. The point is, people are not "free", everything that will surround them (family, job) is decided by elders who think that what they do will be better for you.